
Introducing our YouTube Channel!!
Helpful video tutorial for every Jacuzzi® Hot Tub owner, designed to make maintaining your hot tub easy and stress-free!

How do I reset my "Change Water" & Change Filter" Timer?
Helpful tips on resetting your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub's "Change Water" and Change Filter" built in timer

How do I know what filter to buy?
Not sure what filter to buy for your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub? We can help you determine the right filter to ensure the perfect fit for your spa.

What is CLEARRAY Active Oxygen™?
When you combine the power of OZONE with the power of UV, you get CLEARRAY Active Oxygen™. It's almost like you are super-charging your water on a molecular level and that means clean, clear, safe water without all the smelly chemicals that irritate your skin and case corrosion in your hot tub. With more naturally sanitized water you'll be able to use less chemicals and maintain your hot tub's water with ease!
Check out the video below to learn more about how CLEARRAY Active Oxygen™'s now standard and factory installed on ALL J-200™, J-300™, J-400™, J-500™ & J-LX™ Jacuzzi® Hot Tubs for 2021!

What's the secret to clean, clear water?
Stay one step ahead of cloudy water with these simple tips and tricks!

How can I be sure my Jacuzzi® Hot Tub Is Properly Sanitized?
Be ready to jump into your hot tub and enjoy safe, clean water at any given moment. Here's a quick guide to the basics of properly sanitized water in your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub.

Why Is "Balancing" My Water Important?
Learn the basics of "balancing" your hot tub water. Understand why we need the proper balance and how we make corrections when something is not quite right.

Understanding Common "Error Codes"
Don't panic if you notice and "error code" on your hot tub's display, it may be a reminder to change a bulb or filter. Here's a little more info on a few common error codes.

Replacing Your CLEARRAY® UV Bulb
Changing your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub's CLEARRAY® UV Bulb is easy, just watch our step-by-step video, you got this!

Draining & Refilling Refresher
Watch this quick video on best practices for draining and refilling your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub.